There will be a PostDoc (100percent, 3 years, starting date: October 2024) advertised in due course. Feel free to send me an email if you are curious about the position.
Nils Franzén and I will host the 2nd Graz Evaluative Language Discourse on the 18th and 19th of September. Speakers are: James Brown, Will Gamester, Matti Eklund, Teresa Marques, Christine Tiefensee, and Pekka Vayrynen. Everybody welcome to attend!
As promised: Here you can find the announcement for the PhD position within the project 'In A Roundabout Way: Theory and Practice of Indirect Communication'. Looking forward to your application.
News, news, news: The Excellent Cluster "Knowledge In Crisis" to which I contribute as a key researcher has been granted! That's great news for Austria. Here you can find further information: https://www.fwf.ac.at/en/news-and-media-relations/news/detail/nid/20230313-2850. Furthermore, Julia Zakkou and I have received an FWF/DFG grant for the project "In A Roundabout Way: Theory and Practice of Indirect Communication". The project will start in October 2023. There will be a PhD position attached to the project that will be announced in due course.
Oops... just realised that I haven't updated my homepage in a while though lots of things are going on, most importantly right now: Nils Franzén and I will host a workshop on evaluative discourse (broadly construed). Speakers are: Kyle Blumberg, Stina Björkholm, Stephen Finlay, Nils Franzén, Peter Fritz, Max Kölbel, Andrés Soria-Ruiz, and Jack Woods. The workshop will take place on September 29-30, 2022 at the University of Graz. Please send me an email if you'd like further information.
I will host the DG-Phil colloquium 'Linguistics Meets Philosophy' with Paul Elbourne, Angelika Kratzer, and Manfred Krifka as speakers. The colloquium will take place on September 9, 2021. Registration is free, everybody welcome to attend.
The next meeting of the workshop series Analytic Philosophy of Language is postponed again. The new date is June 18, 2021. Also some great news: Nils Franzén (Uppsala University) and I received a VR research grant for the project The Meaning of Evaluative Language. Further information will follow soon.
Belated updates: Two events are postponed due to the current coronavirus situation: (a) The new date of the next meeting of the workshop series Analytic Philosophy of Language (with presentations by Edgar Onea, Andreas Stocke, and Triinu Eesmaa and comments by Chris Gauker, Max Kölbel, and Viola Schmitt) is October 16, 2020. (b) I'm in charge of organising the DG-Phil colloquium Linguistics Meets Philosophy with Paul Elbourne, Angelika Kratzer, and Manfred Krifka which is postponed to September 6, 2021.
The next meeting of the workshop series Analytic Philosophy of Language in Austria (co-organized with Dirk Kindermann) will take place on April 24, 2020 at the University of Graz. Speakers will be Edgar Onea (Graz), Andreas Stocke (Uppsala), and Triinu Eesmaa (Vienna). Further information will follow soonish.
We will host a workshop on topics at the intersection of philosophy of language and metaphysics on August 10, 2019 inn Graz. Speakers will include Sally Haslanger, David Liggins, and Stephen Yablo. Please contact me if you'd like to have further information.
Matteo Plebani was so kind to review my book Talking About Numbers. You can find his review here.
I'm back in Graz. A few philosophy of language related events are upcoming: Firstly, the colloquium series Philosophy of Language in Austria (co-organised with Dirk Kindermann) will start soon. The first meeting will take place on March 15, 2019 in Vienna. Secondly, there will be a Philosophy of Language workshop in May in Graz (co-organised with Dan Zeman). Everyone is welcome to attend!
I am back in Uppsala and will stay here until the end of the year to finish my work in Matti Eklund's project Varieties of Normativity. Much looking forward to staying here for a few more months!
More language related workshops, this time in Graz on May 22, 2018 (co-organized with Andrea Onofri). Speakers include: Marian David, Andrea Onofri, Alex Steinberg, and Julia Zakkou. Here you can find the program.
Peter Pagin and I will organise a philosophy of language workshop on direct and indirect communication taking place on 1/2 February 2018 in Uppsala/Stockholm. The program can be found here.
The project Varieties of Normativity will organise a workshop in December. Here you can find the list of speakers. Further information will follow soon.
I'll be on leave from Zurich for a year to work in Matti Eklund's project Varieties of Normativity. I'm extremely happy to come back to Uppsala for a whole year and to work with Matti and all the other great philosophers in Uppsala and Stockholm. And, of course, will work hard on catching up with the Swedes when it comes to picking mushrooms and all the other nice things that can be done in Sweden.
Alex Steinberg and I are at the University of Oslo until the end of August. We'll be part of the Concept Lab!
Here you can find the line up for our conference Philosophy Meets Linguistics. Very much looking forward to that!
Alex Steinberg and I are in Sweden right now and very much enjoying our time. There are so many great people here to talk to, lots of interesting stuff is going on, and everybody is extremely welcoming (also, many nice opportunities to have a fika). In case you're interested (and happen to be in Sweden as well): I will give a talk on pejoratives in indirect speech reports in Matti Eklund's Higher Seminar in Theoretical Philosophy on the 19th of January and in Peter Pagin's Logic, Language, and Mind Seminar on the 24th of February.
More news: We are organising a conference on topics at the intersection of philosophy and linguistics with Angelika Kratzer, John MacFarlane, and Maribel Romero as keynotes. We are very happy about the line up and are looking forward to many interesting contributions. Here you can find the call for abstracts and commentators. Further information will follow soon.
Great news! My PhD thesis Talking About Numbers will be awarded with the Karl H. Ditze Award.
I received a grant for a 2month research stay at Oslo's Concept Lab in summer 2017. Very much looking forward to that!
My book Talking About Numbers just came out. You can find it here.
In January and February 2017 I will be visiting the University of Uppsala, where Matti Eklund's project The Lightness of Being is based.
I am going to present a talk entitled Are there normative generics? at the SIFA 2017 in Pistoia. You can find further information here.
The program for the post-doc conference on Theoretical Philosophy from July 1 - 3 at the UZH is online. You can find it here. If you'd like to attend, please send an email to [email protected].
The Marie Gretler Foundation kindly granted funding for a conference on topics at the intersection of philosophy and linguistics that is supposed to take place in Zurich next year. You can find further information on this webpage in due course.
The selection process for the post-doc conference on Theoretical Philosophy from July 1 - 3 at the UZH is finished. We chose 8 papers from 65 highly qualified contributions, so we are sure that the conference will be quite interesting. You can find the final program on this webpage soonish.
I am going to present central results from my PhD thesis at the Logic Colloquium at the University of Konstanz. You can find further information here.
There will be a symposium on my book Talking About Numbers at the University of Erlangen with Catharine Diehl and Barbara Vetter as commentators. I'm very much looking forward to the discussion. (If you are interested, the discussion will be published by the Zeitschrift of Philosophische Forschung somewhen in 2016).
Alex Steinberg and I are organizing two workshops:
There will be a PostDoc (100percent, 3 years, starting date: October 2024) advertised in due course. Feel free to send me an email if you are curious about the position.
Nils Franzén and I will host the 2nd Graz Evaluative Language Discourse on the 18th and 19th of September. Speakers are: James Brown, Will Gamester, Matti Eklund, Teresa Marques, Christine Tiefensee, and Pekka Vayrynen. Everybody welcome to attend!
As promised: Here you can find the announcement for the PhD position within the project 'In A Roundabout Way: Theory and Practice of Indirect Communication'. Looking forward to your application.
News, news, news: The Excellent Cluster "Knowledge In Crisis" to which I contribute as a key researcher has been granted! That's great news for Austria. Here you can find further information: https://www.fwf.ac.at/en/news-and-media-relations/news/detail/nid/20230313-2850. Furthermore, Julia Zakkou and I have received an FWF/DFG grant for the project "In A Roundabout Way: Theory and Practice of Indirect Communication". The project will start in October 2023. There will be a PhD position attached to the project that will be announced in due course.
Oops... just realised that I haven't updated my homepage in a while though lots of things are going on, most importantly right now: Nils Franzén and I will host a workshop on evaluative discourse (broadly construed). Speakers are: Kyle Blumberg, Stina Björkholm, Stephen Finlay, Nils Franzén, Peter Fritz, Max Kölbel, Andrés Soria-Ruiz, and Jack Woods. The workshop will take place on September 29-30, 2022 at the University of Graz. Please send me an email if you'd like further information.
I will host the DG-Phil colloquium 'Linguistics Meets Philosophy' with Paul Elbourne, Angelika Kratzer, and Manfred Krifka as speakers. The colloquium will take place on September 9, 2021. Registration is free, everybody welcome to attend.
The next meeting of the workshop series Analytic Philosophy of Language is postponed again. The new date is June 18, 2021. Also some great news: Nils Franzén (Uppsala University) and I received a VR research grant for the project The Meaning of Evaluative Language. Further information will follow soon.
Belated updates: Two events are postponed due to the current coronavirus situation: (a) The new date of the next meeting of the workshop series Analytic Philosophy of Language (with presentations by Edgar Onea, Andreas Stocke, and Triinu Eesmaa and comments by Chris Gauker, Max Kölbel, and Viola Schmitt) is October 16, 2020. (b) I'm in charge of organising the DG-Phil colloquium Linguistics Meets Philosophy with Paul Elbourne, Angelika Kratzer, and Manfred Krifka which is postponed to September 6, 2021.
The next meeting of the workshop series Analytic Philosophy of Language in Austria (co-organized with Dirk Kindermann) will take place on April 24, 2020 at the University of Graz. Speakers will be Edgar Onea (Graz), Andreas Stocke (Uppsala), and Triinu Eesmaa (Vienna). Further information will follow soonish.
We will host a workshop on topics at the intersection of philosophy of language and metaphysics on August 10, 2019 inn Graz. Speakers will include Sally Haslanger, David Liggins, and Stephen Yablo. Please contact me if you'd like to have further information.
Matteo Plebani was so kind to review my book Talking About Numbers. You can find his review here.
I'm back in Graz. A few philosophy of language related events are upcoming: Firstly, the colloquium series Philosophy of Language in Austria (co-organised with Dirk Kindermann) will start soon. The first meeting will take place on March 15, 2019 in Vienna. Secondly, there will be a Philosophy of Language workshop in May in Graz (co-organised with Dan Zeman). Everyone is welcome to attend!
I am back in Uppsala and will stay here until the end of the year to finish my work in Matti Eklund's project Varieties of Normativity. Much looking forward to staying here for a few more months!
More language related workshops, this time in Graz on May 22, 2018 (co-organized with Andrea Onofri). Speakers include: Marian David, Andrea Onofri, Alex Steinberg, and Julia Zakkou. Here you can find the program.
Peter Pagin and I will organise a philosophy of language workshop on direct and indirect communication taking place on 1/2 February 2018 in Uppsala/Stockholm. The program can be found here.
The project Varieties of Normativity will organise a workshop in December. Here you can find the list of speakers. Further information will follow soon.
I'll be on leave from Zurich for a year to work in Matti Eklund's project Varieties of Normativity. I'm extremely happy to come back to Uppsala for a whole year and to work with Matti and all the other great philosophers in Uppsala and Stockholm. And, of course, will work hard on catching up with the Swedes when it comes to picking mushrooms and all the other nice things that can be done in Sweden.
Alex Steinberg and I are at the University of Oslo until the end of August. We'll be part of the Concept Lab!
Here you can find the line up for our conference Philosophy Meets Linguistics. Very much looking forward to that!
Alex Steinberg and I are in Sweden right now and very much enjoying our time. There are so many great people here to talk to, lots of interesting stuff is going on, and everybody is extremely welcoming (also, many nice opportunities to have a fika). In case you're interested (and happen to be in Sweden as well): I will give a talk on pejoratives in indirect speech reports in Matti Eklund's Higher Seminar in Theoretical Philosophy on the 19th of January and in Peter Pagin's Logic, Language, and Mind Seminar on the 24th of February.
More news: We are organising a conference on topics at the intersection of philosophy and linguistics with Angelika Kratzer, John MacFarlane, and Maribel Romero as keynotes. We are very happy about the line up and are looking forward to many interesting contributions. Here you can find the call for abstracts and commentators. Further information will follow soon.
Great news! My PhD thesis Talking About Numbers will be awarded with the Karl H. Ditze Award.
I received a grant for a 2month research stay at Oslo's Concept Lab in summer 2017. Very much looking forward to that!
My book Talking About Numbers just came out. You can find it here.
In January and February 2017 I will be visiting the University of Uppsala, where Matti Eklund's project The Lightness of Being is based.
I am going to present a talk entitled Are there normative generics? at the SIFA 2017 in Pistoia. You can find further information here.
The program for the post-doc conference on Theoretical Philosophy from July 1 - 3 at the UZH is online. You can find it here. If you'd like to attend, please send an email to [email protected].
The Marie Gretler Foundation kindly granted funding for a conference on topics at the intersection of philosophy and linguistics that is supposed to take place in Zurich next year. You can find further information on this webpage in due course.
The selection process for the post-doc conference on Theoretical Philosophy from July 1 - 3 at the UZH is finished. We chose 8 papers from 65 highly qualified contributions, so we are sure that the conference will be quite interesting. You can find the final program on this webpage soonish.
I am going to present central results from my PhD thesis at the Logic Colloquium at the University of Konstanz. You can find further information here.
There will be a symposium on my book Talking About Numbers at the University of Erlangen with Catharine Diehl and Barbara Vetter as commentators. I'm very much looking forward to the discussion. (If you are interested, the discussion will be published by the Zeitschrift of Philosophische Forschung somewhen in 2016).
Alex Steinberg and I are organizing two workshops:
- A workshop on existence with Tim Crane, Michael De, and Tobias Rosefeldt, which will take place on the 29th of January at the UZH. You can find further information here.
- A post-doc conference on Theoretical Philosophy from July 1 - 3 at the UZH with Emma Borg and Amie Thomasson as keynotes. You can find a call for papers here.